
33期基金通訊 — 人情護航 無懼逆浪



德國IZA Institute of Labor Economics於2020年5月發表了一份有關「社會資本與新冠狀病毒傳播關係」的討論文章。文章分析了七個歐洲國家 (包括奧地利、德國、意大利、荷蘭、瑞典、瑞士及英國)的不同地區在疫情期間的社會資本7與新冠狀病毒傳播的相關數據,分析顯示:

  • 歐洲社會資本較豐厚的地方由於人與人之間接觸相對較緊密,因此在疫情開始的初期,疫症傳播的速度相對較快;
  • 然而,由於社會資本較豐厚的地區的資訊交流亦較高,因此其後的確診數字亦上升得較其他地區慢,當中研究更發現社會資本如有一個標準差(Standard Deviation)的增加,就能減少12%(德國)至32%(意大利)的確診數目;
  • 在疫情相對嚴重的意大利,社會資本較豐厚的地區因疫症而死亡的增長率相對其他地區為低,當中社會資本如有一個標準差的增加,就能減少7%累計死亡人數。

不少學者認為雖然疫情使人與人之間的接觸形態改變,但社會資本依然可以以不同的形式在社區繼續發展,鞏固區內的互助及支援網絡,提升社區的抗逆力8。在新的社交模式下,關係性的社會資本(Relational Social Capital)9雖然看似被削弱,但是講求信念及價值觀的認知性社會資本(Cognitive Social Capital)10(例如鄰舍之間的信任度、對社區的歸屬感,以及社區互惠的氣氛等)卻明顯有所增強,從而提升社區的抗逆力,這與基金近期進行的數據分析結果類同。


  • 曾完整地參與基金資助計劃的受訪者的「各項社會資本範疇」11及「整體社會資本」分數在參與計劃後有所提升。當中,受訪者的整體社會資本分數由參與計劃前的31.176 (以50分為滿分) 提升至參與計劃後的34.787 (升幅:11.6%) [T(813)=19.099, p=.000];
  • 受訪者的「整體社會資本」前後測的改善幅度與其抗逆力 (即「成功通過不同網絡解決困難/問題」) 有正面的關係,關係強度達中度或以上(r=.500**12)。





  1. OECD (2020) How's Life? 2020: Measuring Well-being, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/9870c393-en Aldrich, Daniel P. and Michelle A. Meyer (2015) ‘Social capital and community resilience’, American Behavioral Scientist, 59(2):254-269.
  2. 資料來源:https://www.apa.org/topics/resilience
  3. Marla, Berg-Weger and J.E. Morley (2020) ‘Loneliness and social isolation in older adults during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Implications for Gerontological Social Work’, The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 14: 1-3.
    Wang, C., R. Pan, X. Wan, Y. Tan, L. Xu, C.S. Ho and R.C. Ho (2020) ‘Immediate psychological responses and associated factors during the initial stage of the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) epidemic amomh the general population in China’, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5): 1729.
  4. Xiao, Han, Yan Zhang, Desheng Kong, Shiyue Li and Ningxi Yang (2020)‘Social capital and sleep quality in individuals who self-isolated for 14 days during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in January 2020 in China’, Medical Science Monitor, https://www.medscimonit.com/abstract/index/idArt/923921
    Lund, Rikke, Ulla Christensen, Charlotte Juul Nilsson, Margit Kriegbaum, Naja Hulve (2014) ‘Stressful social relations and mortality: a prospective cohort study’,Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 68:720–727.
    Hewitt, B., Turrell G. and Giskes K. (2012) ‘Marital loss, mental health and the role of perceived social support: Findings from six waves of an Australian population based panel study’, Journal of Epidemiol Community Health, 66(4):308-314.
  5. Shigemura J., Ursano R.J., Morganstein J.C., Kurosawa M., Benedek D.M. (2020) ‘Public responses to the novel 2019 coronavirus (2019 – nCoV): mental health consequences and target populations’. Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7168047/
    McKenzie, Kwame (2006) ‘Social risk, mental health and social capital’ in Kwame McKenzie and Trudy Harpham (eds.) Social Capital and Mental Health, London; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 24-38.
  6. Bartscher, A.K., S. Seotz, S. Siegloch, M. Slotwinski and M. Slotwinski (2020) Social Capital and the Spread of COVID-19: Instights from European Counties, Bonn, Germany: IZA Institute of Labor Economics.
  7. 是次研究的「社會資本」主要以「投票率」來量度,並附以「人均捐血數字」及「識字率」作敏感度檢查(Senstivity Check)。
  8. Costa, Dora L. and Matthew E. Kahn (2020)Do Social Networks Increase or Decrease the COVID-19 Contagion Rate?, Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/from-our-experts/do-social-networks-increase-or-decrease-the-covid-19-contagion-rate
  9. Granovetter, Mark (1973) ‘The Strength of Weak Ties’ American Journal of Sociology, 78, 1360-1380.
  10. Putnam, R.D. (2000) Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community, New York: Touchstone.
  11. 基金所量度的社會資本包括六個範疇:「社會網絡」、「互助和互惠」、「信任和團結」、「社會凝聚和包容」、「社會參與」和「資訊和溝通」,有關範疇是參考世界銀行就社會資本的定義而來。
  12. **代表兩者之間在統計學上有非常顯著的相關性 (即p ≤ .01)。另外,r≧0.2水平代表結果的關係強度均達中度或以上。
  13. Van Bavel, J J, K Baicke, P S Boggio et al. (2020), “Using Social and Behavioural Science to Support Covid-19 Pandemic Response”, Nature Human Behaviour 4(5): 460-471.
    Baldwin, R and B Weder di Mauro (2020b), Mitigatiing the COVID economic cirisis: Act fact and do whatever it takes, VoxEU.org eBook, CEPR, https://voxeu.org/content/mitigating-covid-economic-crisis-act-fast-and-do-whatever-it-takes