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CIIF Committee

The membership list of the CIIF Committee from 1 April 2024 is as follows:

  1. Chairman

    Mr KWAN Chuk-fai, MH, JP

  2. Vice-chairman

    Mr Wilson SHUM Ho-Kit, BBS, JP

    1. Members

      • Ms Karin ANN
      • Miss Amy CHAN Lim-chee, BBS, JP
      • Prof Alan CHOW Ping-kay
      • Dr FAN Ning
      • Ms Amy FUNG Dun-mi, MH, JP
      • Mr James LAU Hing-wah, BBS, MH,JP
      • Ms Janus LAU Yuen-yee
      • Mr Ken LEE Kwong-yu, MH
      • Miss Renee LEUNG Sze-wan
      • Prof Vivian LOU Wei-qun
      • Miss Yanice MAK Wing-yan*
      • Mr Francis NGAI Wah-sing
      • Dr Johannes POON Yin-kwong
      • Ms Ann SO Lai-chun, MH, JP
      • Mr Johnny SZE Chun-hong
      • Mr Andy WAN Ka-kit
      • Miss Joanna WONG Kwan-chiu*
      • Ms WONG May-kwan
      • Mr Marclus WONG Wai-kit, MH
      • Mr Randy YU Hon-kwan, MH, JP
      • * Appointed through the Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth.
    2. Ex-officio Members

      • Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs Bureau or representative
      • Director of Social Welfare or representative
      • Director of Home Affairs or representative

The terms of reference of the CIIF Committee

  1. To handle applications for funding from the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund, including examining and approving applications, deciding on the level of funding for each successful application, and monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the CIIF-funded projects;
  2. To advise the Government on the most appropriate and effective means to facilitate the development of social capital in Hong Kong; and
  3. To advise the Government on all matters related to the administration of the Fund.

Two Sub-Committees have been set up under the CIIF Committee:

The Assessment and Evaluation Sub-Committee; and the Promotion and Development Sub-Committee

The Chairman and Vice-chairman of the CIIF Committee are standing Members of each Sub-Committee and may attend any of the Sub-Committee meetings.

The Assessment and Evaluation Sub-Committee

  1. Chairman

    Miss Amy CHAN Lim-chee, BBS, JP

  2. Vice-chairman

    Dr FAN Ning

    1. Members

      • Mr KWAN Chuk-fai, MH, JP
      • Mr Wilson SHUM Ho-Kit, BBS, JP
      • Ms Karin ANN
      • Prof Alan CHOW Ping-kay
      • Ms Amy FUNG Dun-mi, MH, JP
      • Mr James LAU Hing-wah, BBS, MH,JP
      • Ms Janus LAU Yuen-yee
      • Mr Ken LEE Kwong-yu, MH
      • Miss Renee LEUNG Sze-wan
      • Prof Vivian LOU Wei-qun
      • Miss Yanice MAK Wing-yan
      • Mr Francis NGAI Wah-sing
      • Ms Ann SO Lai-chun, MH, JP
      • Mr Johnny SZE Chun-hong
      • Mr Andy WAN Ka-kit
      • Miss Joanna WONG Kwan-chiu
      • Ms WONG May-kwan

Terms of Reference for the Assessment and Evaluation Sub-committee

  1. To advise the CIIF Committee on a set of assessment criteria, process and mechanisms that are efficient, effective and appropriate for individual CIIF applications and that can best achieve the objectives of the CIIF;
  2. To meet as required to consider the initial assessments of individual applications undertaken by the CIIF Secretariat, undertake additional vetting considered necessary for selected proposals in order to complete the assessment and draw up recommendations in respect of each application to the CIIF Committee for final endorsement;
  3. To advise the CIIF Committee on appropriate performance and outcome measures, performance monitoring and reporting channels for individual CIIF projects;
  4. To advise the CIIF Committee on relevant, realistic and achievable measures to evaluate the overall performance and impact of strategies promoted by the CIIF;
  5. To advise the CIIF Committee on the appropriate scope, methodologies, cost-effective mechanisms and realistic timeframe to monitor, evaluate, analyze and report to key stakeholders on the aggregated achievements of projects against the overall objectives of the Fund to enhance social capital;
  6. To review and recommend changes to the assessment criteria and process as and when appropriate for the endorsement of the CIIF Committee;
  7. To undertake any subsequent follow-up tasks (e.g. performance reports) as assigned by the CIIF Committee; and
  8. To advise the CIIF Committee on social capital development strategies, facilitate the promotion and mainstreaming of good practices and enable experience and knowledge transfer in furthering social capital development in Hong Kong through the operation of the Fund.

The Promotion and Development Sub-Committee

  1. Chairman

    Ms Karin ANN

  2. Vice-chairman

    Miss Renee LEUNG Sze-wan

    1. Members

      • Mr KWAN Chuk-fai, MH, JP
      • Mr Wilson SHUM Ho-Kit, BBS, JP
      • Dr FAN Ning
      • Ms Amy FUNG Dun-mi, MH, JP
      • Mr James LAU Hing-wah, BBS, MH,JP
      • Ms Janus LAU Yuen-yee
      • Mr Ken LEE Kwong-yu, MH
      • Prof Vivian LOU Wei-qun
      • Miss Yanice MAK Wing-yan
      • Dr Johannes POON Yin-kwong
      • Ms Ann SO Lai-chun, MH, JP
      • Mr Johnny SZE Chun-hong
      • Miss Joanna WONG Kwan-chiu
      • Ms WONG May-kwan
      • Mr Marclus WONG Wai-kit, MH
      • Mr Randy YU Hon-kwan, MH, JP

Terms of Reference for the Promotion and Development Sub-Committee

  1. To advise the CIIF Committee on promotion, marketing and engagement strategies and undertake necessary actions as allocated by the CIIF Committee, with the aim of further promoting the concepts and good practices of social capital development to targeted stakeholders, sectors and the public;
  2. To mobilize the existing networks of Members, facilitate the establishment of new networks with the media and develop relevant resources, both within the territories, regionally or overseas, to maximize the CIIF impact; and
  3. To advise the CIIF Committee on new initiatives that may stimulate further social capital development in support of the Administration's policy priorities.

CIIF Secretariat

A CIIF Secretariat was set up to assist with the implementation of the Fund. The organisational structure and contacts are as follows:

Room 401-402, 4/F,
Chinachem Exchange Square,
1 Hoi Wan Street,
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Tel: 2503 2017
Fax: 2523 7283

org chart